Robo’s Holiday Toy Drive: Dallas Stars player brings joy to Children’s Health Dallas

Story and video by Jennie Trejo. Photos provided by the Dallas Stars.

Dallas Stars forward Jason “Robo” Robertson has a new favorite toy after the second edition of “Robo’s Holiday Toy Drive” last week. Which one is it? Hockey Barbie, of course.

This heartwarming initiative that benefits the patients at Children’s Health Dallas took place on Thursday, Dec. 14. Robo teamed up with Stars mascot Victor E. Green to personally deliver “hundreds and hundreds” of toys to the patients.

Robo launched this tradition last year in the spirit of giving and as a way to put a smile on the faces of the children in the hospital.

“Being the second year of the toy drive, we got a lot more noticed, as you can see,” Robo says with a smile in his green Santa hat. “A lot more people were able to contribute, and we have more than double the amount of toys we had last year.”

Toy donations poured in from Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, showcasing the spirit of the Stars community. Fans were actively involved, contributing by dropping off unused toys at three Stars home games in December, the Children’s Health StarCenters across the Metroplex, and the team’s executive offices.

Ultimately, Robo’s Holiday Toy Drive initiative received enough toys to fill more than five vinyl basket trucks. The support symbolizes the commitment to making a difference in the lives of young patients. Acknowledging the generosity, Robo emphasizes the significance of witnessing people come together and what it means that they are supporting the cause.

“You see the community getting behind it,” Robo says. “How many people show off their generosity with all the toys and are really just spreading that Christmas cheer.”

While Robo was handing out toys, he got up-to-date on the latest trends. Some, like hockey Barbie, even caught him for a surprise.

“That was interesting; I’ve never seen that before,” Robo laughs. “Maybe it’s one I’ll get my niece.”

Robo’s Holiday Toy Drive not only signifies the generosity and community spirit embedded in the Dallas Stars’ culture but also serves as a high point for the children receiving these gifts during the holiday season.

Through his commitment to making a positive impact, Robo has not only brightened the festive season for young patients at Children’s Health but has also inspired others to embrace the true spirit of giving. For more information on the initiative, visit

