Published September 2, 2021 at 11:20am.
Interview by Misty Jackson-Miller. Photos courtesy of Mammogram Poster Girls.
Early Giving for the 13th annual North Texas Giving Day kicks off this week, so we reached out to Sheri Mathis, Founder and President of Mammogram Poster Girls (MPG) to talk about what her organization is doing to create a successful Giving Day campaign and how other Dallas-area nonprofits can meet their Giving Day Goals.
Founded in 2017, the Mammogram Poster Girls’ “Pink” fundraisers have raised over $425,000 to date—and all proceeds raised fund early detection initiatives, and mammograms for those in need. Proceeds raised to date have helped more than 700 women (and men) afford breast screening mammograms, diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsy procedures at the Breast Health Center at Methodist Charlton.
Sheri Mathis, Founder and President of Mammogram Poster Girls. Photo by Danny Campbell.
In your own words, can you describe the mission of Mammogram Poster Girls? Who are the North Texas neighbors your organization directly benefits?
The Mammogram Poster Girls mission is to raise awareness of, and funds for, the early detection of breast cancer. We provide mammograms, free of charge for under/uninsured women. Our goal is to remove barriers—making it as easy as possible for women to have access to life-saving, screening mammograms. The Mammogram Poster Girls (MPG) focus is in the southern sector of DFW where women are 1.4 times more likely to receive a late stage diagnosis, and 1.2 times more likely to die of breast cancer. We believe where you live should not determine if you live.
To date MPG has funded screening and diagnostic mammograms for more than 700 under/uninsured women—88% of whom live in communities south of Interstate 20.
What was the inspiration behind Mammogram Poster Girls, and how did you become involved?
I am a two-time breast cancer survivor, and one of four sisters—ALL of whom have had breast cancer diagnoses. We do not have genetic links, and were all diagnosed via mammogram. Mammograms saved our lives, but not everyone has the same access to screening. We are the lucky ones, but not everyone has the same access to mammograms, due to lack of access—they can’t afford it, or don’t have transportation to get there, and many do not understand the importance of these life-saving procedures. This lack of access and education inspired the founding of the Mammogram Poster Girls to help others have the same opportunities. The Poster Girls want to help save lives…one mammogram at a time.
Have you participated in North Texas Giving Day in the past?
Mammogram Poster Girls has participated in North Texas Giving Day since 2019.
What are you doing this year to build a successful campaign (donor match, watch party, social media interest, FUNdraisers, etc)?
The Poster Girls are beginning to build our social media push and also plan to partner with a local restaurant to host a NTxGD watch party. One of the bartenders at this restaurant was the recipient of a mammogram funded by MPG. She personally raises funds for MPG to allow other women to have the same opportunity she had—and credits MPG with saving her life!
How do the donations you raise during North Texas Giving Day directly impact your cause?
The donations raised during NTGD will help fund our Two-Fer Tuesday program. Two-Fer Tuesdays are a partnership with Methodist Health System wherein MPG schedules the Mobile Mammography Unit (MMMU) to go into medically underserved neighborhoods in the southern sector—bringing mammograms, free of charge (funded by MPG) to under/uninsured women, and providing meals and mammograms (a Two-Fer) for each patient on the MMMU.
What advice would you give to other nonprofits who have registered for 2021 North Texas Giving Day about setting goals and creating an effective campaign?
My advice? Be very clear about your fundraising goals (dollars), and how you plan to use the monies raised. Put out an all-call to your support base to help spread the word!
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