Photo courtesy of The Real Estate Project.
JT Hardcastle always had a passion for the real estate market, enjoying the creative process of helping buyers find a house they love by curating a positive experience for the home-buying process. JT is passionate about serving people and his community, and he was thrilled to be able to find unique and unexpected ways to serve others through the real estate industry.
But everything changed when JT suddenly lost his job. He shared his story with us:
“Three weeks after my first daughter was born, I got a phone call that I didn’t have a job
anymore. There was no notice, no severance, nothing. I was devastated and in a position that I did everything in my power to never be in. My wife and I were jobless and technically homeless with a newborn (although my parents did take us in quickly, thank God for them!).”
Photo courtesy of The Real Estate Project.
JT said that he spent a lot of time during this season of unemployment doing soul- searching and introspection. And then it happened: he was struck with a great idea. “It was during that time that God reconstructed my perspective of work and what he calls us to do with our God-given abilities. It was then that my eyes started to rise off myself and become fixated on the community around me. After starting in the real estate industry and seeing the brokerage model, I thought we could do something different with the money that was made. Instead of spending that money on the typical things that agents do spend money on, I thought we could serve the greater good of the community around us instead.”
Photo courtesy of The Real Estate Project.
JT launched The Real Estate Project and began giving away 25% of his commission on each transaction, donating to local and international non-profits. Since 2012, The Real Estate Project has donated nearly $250,000 to organizations rooted in the DFW community. He set his real estate company apart by creating positive change in his neighborhood and beyond.
“I like to think of myself as the CSO – Chief Steward Officer—to remind me that this company is a gift from my Creator,” JT said. “I’m just stewarding what he has entrusted to me. I’m excited to see what the He does with this company!”
If you know someone who is Doing Good in Dallas, we’d love to hear about it! Share their story with us.