Dallas Doing Good retains the rights to all content created by its contributors, including final written copy, photographs, or video footage. For any republication, requests must be made to hello@dallasdoinggood.com.
Dallas Doing Good is a nonpartisan organization, and is committed to sharing about organizations across varying beliefs, opinions, and experience. The publishing of information does not equal our endorsement of any ideas or organizations, and while we do research organizations before publishing, Dallas Doing Good is not responsible for any outside organization’s fiscal responsibility, opinions, or programmatic impact. Dallas Doing Good does not align itself with any political party, and will never publish information or content about a known hate group.
Dallas Doing Good is an independent media entity and editorial viewpoints and/or coverage is not influenced by any partners or organizations outside of the Dallas Doing Good team or advisory council.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email hello@dallasdoinggood.com.
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