National Human Trafficking Awareness Month: North Texas Resource Guide

Dallas Doing Good Editorial Board

While January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, it is important to acknowledge that human trafficking remains a persistent concern throughout the year in North Texas and nationwide. Texas holds the second position among states grappling with human trafficking, with Dallas ranking as the second-largest city, following Houston.

We’ve compiled a list of organizations in North Texas dedicated to combating trafficking and assisting survivors. Consider reaching out for assistance, volunteering, or contributing through resource or financial donations. Together, we can make a difference during Human Trafficking Awareness Month and beyond.

New Friends New Life, a faith-based nonprofit in Dallas, Texas, was established in 1997 to restore and empower trafficked and sexually exploited individuals. Their comprehensive programs offer mental health and spiritual support, education, financial assistance, and job training to rehabilitate those who have faced addiction, poverty, and abuse. Today, NFNF serves over 400 women, teens, and children annually in North Texas through evidence-based programs, therapists, and an employment partnership initiative.


Office: (214) 965-0935
Click here to get involved

The Human Rights Initiative of North Texas offers free legal services to individuals who have experienced human rights abuses, with a focus on asylum seekers fleeing persecution, those protected under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act. The organization extends its assistance to immigrants facing abuse by U.S. citizens or lawful permanent resident spouses and immigrant children who are victims of violent crimes, neglect, abuse, or abandonment. By providing legal support, the initiative aims to address and advocate for the rights of those who have suffered various forms of human rights violations.


Phone: (214) 855-0520

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RescueHer, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to empowering women and girls affected by human trafficking. Offering crisis counseling through a 24-hour helpline, they provide services such as medical and legal support, long-term housing, and rehabilitation to aid survivors in rebuilding their lives and achieving independence. Beyond direct assistance, RescueHer actively raises awareness about human trafficking, advocates for policy changes, and offers resources for those suspecting someone is a victim, as well as opportunities to get involved and support the organization’s mission of breaking the cycle of exploitation.

Crisis Hotline: (817) 891-2093

Office: (817) 885-9716

Click here to get involved

Project Moses, an initiative within the Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Dallas, is dedicated to aiding survivors and raising awareness about human trafficking. Parishioners involved in the initiative focus on education, advocacy with legislators and law enforcement, and collaboration with local agencies for survivor rehabilitation. This faith-based organization provides spiritual support to newcomers, aiming to help them integrate successfully into their new home. Project Moses is run by volunteers and operates with a mission to shed light on human trafficking and share the Light of Christ with survivors.

Phone: (214) 363-5471


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Mosaic Family Services, based in North Texas, is a non-profit aiding victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, refugees, and unaccompanied minors. Offering emergency shelter, legal support, counseling, and job training, they collaborate with organizations and law enforcement for a comprehensive response. Committed to achieving safety and self-sufficiency, Mosaic Family Services envisions a world valuing human rights for all, providing a 24-hour helpline for emergency assistance.

24-Hour Crisis Hotline: (214) 823-4434

Office: (214) 821-5393


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Traffick911, a North Texas-based non-profit, is dedicated to combating human trafficking through victim rescue, restoration, and prevention efforts. Their comprehensive services include crisis counseling, legal support, and long-term rehabilitation. Collaborating with law enforcement, Traffick911 works to raise awareness and provides resources for recognizing and reporting trafficking, inviting public involvement in their mission to combat human trafficking in the North Texas area.


Phone: (817) 575-9923


Click here to get involved

Established in 2010, the NET, a Fort Worth-based nonprofit, is dedicated to aiding survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Through programs like emergency shelter, case management, counseling, legal services, and job training, they empower survivors to build new lives. Collaborating with community partners and law enforcement, the NET also raises awareness about human trafficking and educates on prevention. To date, they’ve served over 1,300 survivors, engaged with over 15,000 men in addressing the trafficking epidemic, and provided dignified employment to 17 survivors.

Office: (682) 233-4283


Click here to get involved

The Conference on Crimes Against Women, an annual event in Texas, unites professionals in law enforcement, prosecution, advocacy, healthcare, and social services to address crimes against women. Originally a collaboration between the Dallas Police Department, FBI, and Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support, the conference offers training, networking, and resources to enhance attendees’ skills in serving victims and their families. With hands-on workshops, case studies, and discussions on topics like human trafficking, sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking, the conference provides a platform for sharing best practices and strategies to address crimes against women in communities. It serves as a valuable opportunity for professionals to gain knowledge and connect with experts in the field.

For general questions about registration, technical support, and scholarships:

For CCAW speaking opportunities:

For information about applying to be part of ICCR:

Restored Hope Ministries, a Dallas-based non-profit, focuses on aiding victims of human trafficking, specifically providing hope to sex-trafficked women and children. Their long-term safe house program caters to women aged 17 to 45 who have experienced sexual abuse, exploitation, and human trafficking. Through a three-phase program, survivors receive comprehensive support, including shelter, medical and dental services, counseling, education opportunities, and transitional housing based on individual needs.

Phone: (833) 334-0035


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