Love, Liv Bakeshop: Mother-daughter duo’s sweet alternative for people with Type I Diabetes

Story by Whitney Carter. Photos provided by Love, Liv Bakeshop.

Cookies are a favorite among many kids (and adults), for that matter, but when a Dallas mother found out it wasn’t a snack her daughter could safely enjoy, she turned a challenging situation into a winning one for so many. Sarah Morris and her daughter, Olivia, are curing a sweet tooth, minus the sugar!

Sarah Morris and her daughter, Olivia, founded Love, Liv Bakeshop after Olivia was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.

Olivia was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes and was once rushed to the intensive care unit due to severe diabetic complications. It was then that the family realized how hard managing the condition could be, especially for a child. Since then, Sarah has made it her mission to continue fighting for what she calls “global food inclusivity.”

“After Olivia was diagnosed, I quickly realized there were not many safe, enjoyable, and fun treat options for parents and kids to enjoy. I felt helpless,” Sarah says. “[I had] many years in the food industry, and I have a strong network of foodies who also share the same passion for a better way forward. Together, we developed a product that can transcend food allergies, diabetes, celiac, or frankly, want to eat less sugar.”

What followed was Love, Liv Bakeshop. Their main objective was to help everyone, no matter who they are, reduce their sugar intake without taking away the taste of sugar-free and gluten-free treats to ensure everyone can enjoy sweet snacks.

“Everything is online because much of the world starts there. So much of the research is done online that we felt it was much easier to be a quick click versus a store-front location,” Sarah says.

The business officially started in November of 2022, and just like Olivia’s health challenges, it came with some hardships.

“I have learned that there is a difference between running a brand and starting a brand,” Sarah says. “I have run a brand but didn’t appreciate the level of sweat required to do it from scratch. Going from cooking out of my kitchen to expanding to a commercial and manufacturing facility.”

Sarah says owning a business also teaches her daughter a valuable lesson.

“[From] teaching my daughter the value of making a difference in the world. Turning adversity into goodwill. I know there are more things, but I think about this business night and day, almost to the point of spinning sometimes,” Sarah says. “My passion has to be reined in sometimes.”

Olivia and her mom hope their story not only helps people battling Type I Diabetes but also encourages kids to pursue their dreams and ideas.

“We are all given challenges, and we can choose to use our circumstances to do good or ignore them. Our mission is to use Olivia’s story to raise awareness and deliver an option to help others in a similar situation,” Sarah says. “We call her disease her ‘superpower,’ not her disease. We are thankful to be part of the diabetic community, but this is not just about supporting our fellow warriors. This is a bigger mission, helping today’s families reduce the amount of sugar in their diets.”

The cookies are available on Love, Liv Bakeshop’s online store for now and can be delivered to your door. Sarah says she hopes the family can open a retail location this fall in North Texas.

