Celebrate National Pancake Day at Dallas 24 Hour Club’s Hubcap Café and help support The 24’s mission of providing transitional living, support services and essential life skills for homeless alcoholics and addicts, so they can embrace long-term sobriety and become contributing members of the community. On average, Dallas 24 Hour Club helps more than 700 people annually get off the streets, find employment, and learn to live a sober life. In honor of National Pancake Day (aka Fat Tuesday) on February 21, The 24 will host a Pancake Party in its Hubcap Café from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. A $10 donation will get you one Hubcap-sized Pancake and a cup of coffee to enjoy, along with a pancake for a Resident of The 24.
You can also support the efforts of The 24 and provide meals for Residents by participating in the online Pancake Party fundraiser, which will run Tuesday, February 7 through Tuesday, February 21. Donate online here or via Facebook.
Source: https://www.betterunite.com/dallas24hourclub-nationalpancakeday2023