Story and photos by Jan Osborn.
When Susie Carp and Alex Horn were asked to co-chair the annual Walk Against Hate, they both immediately agreed to do so. The walk is hosted by the Texoma office of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and will be held on Sunday April 3, 2022, at PNC Plaza at the American Airlines Center. The Walk is an opportunity to bring all of us together—people of various faiths and ethnicities, civic leadership, and law enforcement—for the shared value of standing up to hate.
Alex Horn and Susie Carp.
From its inception in 1913, the ADL has fought hate and intolerance; protected free speech and religious freedom; spoken out against antisemitism, racism, and bullying; and built respect for diversity and bridges within communities.
ADL Texoma’s educational programs include No Place for Hate®, reaching approximately 100 local schools last year; Words to Action, providing resources to increase understanding of antisemitism and anti-Israel bias; and its Managing Implicit Bias programs for Law Enforcement, enabling understanding of implicit bias concepts and their relevance to contemporary policing practices.
Co-Chair Alex Horn works full time as the Director of Congregational Engagement at Temple Emanu-El in Dallas. Co-chair Susie Carp currently serves as the chair elect of the ADL Texoma regional board and chair of the executive committee.
For Susie, it is personal. “My grandparents fled Europe after WWI amidst escalating persecution and built a new life in the US. And while I have experienced some hateful antisemitic bias, I have really felt the uptick in discriminatory rhetoric in the last decade,” said Susie. “There is a tolerance of intolerance on both sides of the political aisle. The thinking is that if you are not just like me or don’t agree with me on all issues, then you are out.”
Susie said that the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville was a turning point for her. “Images of the torch-bearing mob chanting ‘you will not replace us’ shook me,” said Susie. “I knew that ADL spoke out against antisemitism, but after the rally, I tuned in to their work exposing extremists. A friend asked me to serve on the ADL Texoma board and I immediately agreed. ADL’s work to combat hate crimes and discrimination, whether that is based on race, religion, orientation or anything else, is critical. The extreme voices may be the loudest, but I don’t believe they represent most of us or the best of us. We make our entire community stronger when we forge alliances.“
Alex first learned about the ADL when she was a camp counselor at the URJ Greene Family Camp. “ADL’s director came to camp to address issues of bullying amongst teen campers,” said Alex. “This was the first time I thought deeply about the impact of teaching kids at an early age, the importance of kindness, and how to be an ally to those who are experiencing bullying. Fast forward to my participation in the Glass Leadership Institute (GLI), a leadership group for young professionals who care deeply about ADL’s mission. The GLI cohort was another opportunity to be inspired by ADL’s work. For me, the educational resources and training provided for No Place for Hate schools really inspired me to continue my involvement in ADL’s work.”
Alex reiterated that this work is about pulling together the resources and leaders to make sure that everyone has access to training and the tools to succeed. “I am grateful for the opportunity to be involved in ADL’s work,” said Alex. “The Walk Against Hate is one simple way to show our support and come together as a community to show that hate has no place here.”
The celebration will recognize local Hero’s Against Hate and welcome community dignitaries, including Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall , DISD Superintendent Professor Michael Hinojosa, and Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia. It will also host an interactive expo of local nonprofit organizations including: Buddy Up Tennis, Camp Quest Texas, City of Dallas Welcoming Communities and Immigrants, Human Rights Campaign, Jewish Family Service, Latino Voter Empowerment/March to the Polls, League of Women Voters, Paul Quinn College, The Thanks-Giving Foundation, and Unforgotten Butterflies.
Alex Horn, Stacy Cushing, and Susie Carp.
The Walk is open to the public and is an opportunity to bring all of us together—people of various faiths and ethnicities, civic leadership, and law enforcement—for the shared value of standing up to hate. “From strollers to wheelchairs, we want to come out in force and to involve our community in celebrating our diversity,” ADL Texoma Regional Director Cheryl Drazin said. “This isn’t a protest or a march, but rather a gathering together of people who are on the same page against hate.”
Check-in begins at 8 a.m., followed by opening ceremonies at 9 a.m and the walk starts at 9:30a.m. Rain or shine, the Walk Against Hate will be an inspiring and fun morning for the whole family.
Participants can register individually or as a team. Net proceeds of the event will support anti-hate and anti-bullying programs in schools, civil rights advocacy work, extremism programs for law enforcement, incident response and the ADL Texoma leadership development program for young adults.
Early bird registration is $20 until March 25, $25 through noon on April 1, and $30 at the event. Children ages 5 to 18 are $10, and there is no fee for those under 5.
Participants, volunteers, and sponsors can find details and registration at walkagainsthate/ For more information about ADL, go to or (national).
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